Yao guai, scorpions, fog crawler, gulper, angler (Energy weapons “can’t” one shot headshot medium races, but if you manage to reduce the head health to zero, their head gets destroyed/dismembeerd and they die.) Super Mutant, Mutant Hound, Brahmin, Mirelurk(crabs), glowing ghouls, Humans that are protected with helmets(plastic masks or sacks do not count as helmet) (calibers for headshots: All, includes lasers/plasma)
A short list of enemies and calibers:īloatfly, Bloodbug, Stingwing, Humans(without helmet), Ghouls (does not include glowing), Radstags, Dogs Helmets can prevent headshots (NPC only) but F4SE is required to make this feature work. What matters is the caliber you shoot and what type of enemy you are facing.
Headshots are now scripted, this means they are independent from the amount of health damage you deal. # Scripted headshots (enabled by default) (Features are toggleable in the holotape.